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Supergirl Infected issue 40 COVER Joe Bennett and Alan Patrick , Issue: 40

Artist(s): Joe Bennett
Alan Patrick

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Issue: 40
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Cover
Artists: Joe Bennett (penciller)
Alan Patrick (inker)
Other Images: Colored cover

Pencils by Joe Bennett and inks by Alan Patrick. Joe's pencils on Shazam Infected were gorgeous (some pages still available) and now DC has asked him to take on an infected issue for Supergirl and the results are amazing. 

Alan has been working with Joe on The Immortal Hulk and other published works at both Marvel and DC as a studio assistant. It is really exciting to see Alan get a cover gig with Joe – his future is very bright! Alan is also an extremely talented penciler so be sure to check his gallery for penciled pinup works that are available for sale. Looking for a commission? Write me for a commission today!

Supergirl is out of control! Having fully succumbed to the Batman Who Laughs' deadly infection, she has left her boundaries behind and is flexing her power to the world. Is even Wonder Woman a match for a Kryptonian fully unleashed? The hope is that the true Kara Zor-El is still inside this rampaging monster, and that she'll come to her senses. But even if she does, will she ever be the same? The consequences of the Dark Multiverse infection could change Supergirl forever...and not for the better! Don't miss this do-or-die conclusion to the "The Infected"!





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