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IMMORTAL HULK ISSUE 01 PAGE 27 INKS JOSE , Issue: 01 , Page: 27

Artist(s): Ruy José

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Issue: 01
Page: 27
Media Type: Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Artists: Ruy José (inker)

IMMORTAL HULK issue 1 – where it all started and from where it has become one of the greatest Hulk arcs in the storied history of the character. Joe Bennett’s penciled pages are long sold out and these pages represent the last chance to buy pages from the first issue of Immortal Hulk. These are the pages that Marvel used to color and print the issue.

Ruy Jose’s inks over blue line printed Joe Bennett pencils. Ruy’s pages are beautiful and it is no surprise that he has multiple Eisner award nominations and is a 2021 Inkwell award nominee. The amount of work he puts into these pages are immediately evident. 

HORROR HAS A NAME. You’d never notice the man. He doesn’t like to be noticed. He’s quiet. Calm. Never complains. If someone were to walk up and shoot him in the head... all he’d do is die. Until night falls. And someone else gets up again. The man’s name is Banner. The horror is THE IMMORTAL HULK.






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